Open times

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Open times

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A text string with time slots when the device is available. The string is in format


 <day of week>:<start time>-<end time>[|<start time>-<end time>], <day of week>...


Day of week needs to be English short day name (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun)

Time needs to be in format xx.xx (separated by dot, not colon), 24-hour clock, for example 15.00

Start time and End time are separated by a hyphen (minus sign)

Several Times can be given for a single day, separated by a bar character (|)

Days are separated by a comma (,)

For example the following string would indicate that the device is available on weekdays (Mon - Fri) from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon:


 Mon:08.00-16.00, Tue:08.00-16.00, Wed:08.00-16.00, Thu:08.00-16.00, Fri:08.00-16.00


The following would indicate an opening on Tuesdays, for two hours in the morning and then two more hours in the evening:




It is usually easiest to construct the string in a text editor, such as Notepad for example, and then copy-paste the string into Management Utility as a whole.