Use audio messages for errors

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Use audio messages for errors

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If selected, the audio messages system will be used. Audio messages are different from audio files; audio messages allows for localized messages to be played in the language currently selected in the user interface.

Audio messages are based on WAV files in the local file system. The WAV files are to be placed in directy structure which identifies the language used, and each file has to be named with a number to identify the actual message.

The folder structure is


 Program Data\PV-Supa\Libretto\Audio\{language code}\


Where {language code} must match that of the languages set in languages setting. For example for Finnish language, the folder would be:


 Program Data\PV-Supa\Libretto\Audio\fi-FI\


Under this folder are the uncompressed WAV files for each message that should be played. The messages are numbered as follows:


 ItemFailed                = 104.wav

 SetIncomplete                = 105.wav

 ItemNotAccepted        = 106.wav

 ItemInsertedTooFast        = 107.wav

 TooManyItems                = 108.wav

 InvalidPatron                = 109.wav

 InvalidPassword        = 110.wav

 WrongOrientation        = 111.wav

 ContactStaff                = 112.wav


Only the messages which should be played need to exist - if you do not want some message to be played, simply leave it out. Thus, for a Finnish language message when only the WrongOrientation (barcode system, item inserted in wrong orientation), the following file should exist:


 Program Data\PV-Supa\Libretto\Audio\fi-FI\111.wav


To test the system, you can use any wav file available in Windows, for example the "ding" sound. Just rename the file according to what situation you want to test.

Supa does not provide audio files for all languages, you need to record your own messages.