Technical information

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Technical information

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The Axis cameras use FTP to store images to the self operated library controller server. Configuration is done via a browser interface. These ports need to be opened in any firewalls between the cameras, the server, and possible staff computers where the camera live view is expected to be seen.


21: FTP (File Transfer Protocol), one way connection from cameras to the controller server

80: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), one way connection from controller server to cameras, and also one way from staff computers to cameras

443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer), one way connection from controller server to cameras and one way connection from staff computers to cameras

5001 – 50xx TCP (FTP): Cameras use these FTP ports dynamically for transfer channels, starting from 5001 to as many as needed. The number depends on the number of cameras, typically each camera only uses one port so for example for 5 cameras, the range would be 5001 - 5005. One way from cameras to controller server.