Cleaning instructions

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Cleaning instructions

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The unit should be dusted once every 2 months. The frequency should be determined by the library staff depending on how dirty the surfaces get in this time period.

Dusting should be done while the unit is shut down. This way you can place your duster where ever you want without any danger. Special concern should be taken if a front end has a barcode reader. The readers lens and possibly the mirror by the lens (see picture) should be cleaned more carefully so that the item identification will remain at its best.

Areas to dust are

Outside panels:

Side panels - blue in this picture

Side panels - blue in this picture

Inside the front end cabinet:

Inside a front end cabinet

Inside a front end cabinet

Computer shelf in compact sorter:

Computer shelf in compact sorter

Computer shelf in compact sorter

Front end tunnel

Reflectors inside the tunnel:

Reflectors inside a front end tunnel

Reflectors inside a front end tunnel

Barcode reader lens and mirror in Compact sorter reader stand:

Front end barcode reader

Front end barcode reader

Compact sorter barcode reader

Compact sorter barcode reader