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The schedule normally runs continuously, repeating every week. As long as the library operates on this normal schedule, no manual steps are needed to keep the schedule going. If, however, the library needs some days to be different once, an exception can be created.

An exception is a day during which the opening / closed hours are different than normally. To define an exception, click on the Add schedule exception button on top of the Schedule editor view. This brings up a dialog to define the day:

Defining a schedule exception

Defining a schedule exception

A schedule exception always applies to the whole day, so any and all periods within a day must be fully defined - not just a part of the day. Anything outside the exception that is not defined is considered "Closed"; that is, if you define an exception and set the library to be open from noon until 5 pm, the library will be closed in the morning before noon and again after 5 pm, regardless of what periods there would normally be.

Once defined, the schedule exception will be shown in red color in the schedule:

Schedule with an exception

Schedule with an exception